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Tuesday, December 31, 2013


The New Year is just an hour away. Like many of you, I feel a sense of renewal and optimism. I’m like a racehorse at the gate, waiting for the starting gun to go off. I feel I’m ready for all the opportunities a fresh year brings. And along with it comes a surge of inspirational messages to get me started. What better time to consider your intentions and focus on your hopes and goals?

Forget the past. Just jump. Fight for what you want. Have no regrets. Take risks.

Don’t they make you ready to start the New Year? Sure they do, but by definition, inspiration is merely a starting point. Its job is to stimulate you; to stir something within you. Hence, the resolution is made…and then within weeks, dropped.

I would like to offer up something new. Granted, my approach is not as sexy as the usual motivational quotes. They probably don’t sound as fun or cool, and in the short term, they’re most likely not. But motivation only takes you so far, and then what are you left with to guide you the rest of the way? So with that in mind, here are my un-inspirational messages:

Don’t forget the past. You don’t need to live in it, but you do need to learn from it.

Have regrets. If you’ve hurt someone, you ought to regret it. It doesn’t mean you can’t forgive yourself, but without regrets, you lose your moral compass.

Don’t take risks. I believe in taking calculated risks, otherwise you’re just satiating your need to be self-indulgent, and probably not taking into consideration the people you care about. It’s more likely your risk will pay off if it’s a calculated, planned one (if that’s not too much of an oxymoron).

Don’t just jump in. If you do, you’re closing your eyes to all the signs around you that are helping to lead your way and turning your back on the decisions and people who brought you to where you are. Jumping in sounds better than running away, but it’s often the same thing.

Don’t fight for what you want. If you look at life as a fight, it’s going to feel like one. You’re only in competition with yourself to be better and do better when you know better. Be gentle with yourself and others and go for what you want in the spirit of love and connection. You’ll be amazed at the people willing to help you along the way.

Stay in your comfort zone. Or more accurately, broaden your comfort zone. Yes, try things that give you butterflies. Stretch yourself. Find your passion and focus on it. But if you’re happy in your comfort zone, you shouldn’t be made to feel bad about it. I’m not sure why our comfort zones have gotten such a bad wrap. We should not be made to feel like we’re settling because we’re at a place where we feel comfortable with ourselves. Isn’t that where everyone else is striving to be? I feel bad for those who feel such a constant unease with their lives that they have to always leave it to chase a new high. Everyone should be able to settle into his or her own comfort zone and thoroughly enjoy it.

There isn’t a rockin’ quote for making the tough choices, for sometimes making sacrifices for others, and for taking full responsibility for your life. Avoid hedonism isn’t as enticing as Go for It. But in the long run, honestly working your way towards personal fulfillment and lasting love is where the real joy lies.

Happiness is complicated. Challenges will feel daunting. Mistakes will be made. Expectations won’t be met. The unexpected happens. And that’s when I get uninspired. I remember the past and my regrets. I appreciate where I am. Then, with a solid plan and my eyes wide open, I step forward with care. My enthusiasm is no less than if I jumped, but I'm more prepared for the commitment my goals will require. I’m in it for the long haul, for 2014 and beyond. Inspiration is a good starting point, but determination and discipline will be my guides.

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