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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My Blog Initiation

Hello, friends! Here is my first blog post…no pressure, right?
I was hoping that creating a blog would propel me into the realm of the computer savvy, but, if anything, I realize I am more techno challenged than ever. Now I’m aware of even more computer terms I didn’t know I wasn’t aware of. So I may be tweaking this blog as the months go by as I learn more about it, but stick with me. I really want to hear all your comments and stories, as well.
In the meantime, I’ll be giving you my take on whatever is rolling around in my brain that I’m compelled to put down on paper. I’m certain my husband will thank you for sharing the burden of hearing my riffs and rants. It’s sure to take the pressure off of him as he tries not to glaze over as I’m heatedly taking sides in the latest Real Housewives feud as if these were my real girlfriends or when I’m complaining how shallow all the celebrities are in People Magazine (to which I have a lifetime subscription). So I’m sure these topics will come up as well as things closer to home, like being a mom to my 9-year-old son. I know it’s probably Blog Blunder #1 not to write about one specific topic, but I’m not here to inform, only to kvetch. I’m not hip enough to try to tell anyone what to do. Yes, I know who Sheldon Cooper is, but I couldn’t tell you his catch phrase. (I’m thinking Kowabunga, but I could be confusing him with Bart Simpson.) This is why I still reference Seinfeld. Don't come to me for cutting edge.
I know there’s this new thing on Facebook going around where people say, “The moment when…” and then follow it up with something that happened to them. Not only do I not understand what they’re trying to say, it irks the crap out of me that it’s not a complete sentence. Is it not enough that I have to endure the misuse of your for you’re way too many times on Facebook? That I’m forced to hold my tongue when grown people who’ve graduated high school write a lot as one word? Now I’m supposed to be subjected to people starting a thought in the middle of a sentence? And will someone please be the first to inform me about the hashtag craze? I thought I didn’t have to understand it since it was relegated to Twitter, which I have quite successfully lived without since its inception. But now I keep seeing it pop up at the end of people’s Facebook statuses and it confuses the heck out of me. (And not just because you’re expected to read the sentence without spacing, although I think that would be enough.) I have to wonder if the pound sign has been following Bethenny Frankel’s advice and finally learned how to brand itself. I mean the # symbol has been around forever, but never as wildly popular as it is now. It seemed to have gone the way of the local butcher, before trying to re-invent itself to mean other things. You’d think being the tic tac toe game for children would keep it in demand, but its target audience is way too young. It got itself on every push button phone for decades, only to have it mocked by the * on the other side, which seems equally useless. But now the # has come into its own, borrowing from the Europeans and re-naming itself hashtag. It is now inexplicably being used in front of names, places, and nonsense sentences. It had me worrying if I could even legitimately have a blog without understanding the hashtag concept. Will I ever graduate to understanding plus one’s? (Silly me, I thought it was something you put on an invitation.)
I know this all makes me sound old and uncool, but if you can’t admit your flaws on a blog with your name plastered all over it for anyone in the world to see, tell me, where can you? #ThemomentwhenIrealizedthismightberead.


  1. Bazinga! I LOVE it Korina! I have a feeling that I am going to be your most devoted follower. It is going to save me a lot of time having you express my rants in this blog. Good luck! I look forward to your next post.

  2. BAZINGA! THAT'S IT!! ha ha. Thanks so much, Eileen!
